There are a few basic things to remember if you want to get good marks in your project work. If you pay attention to these your overall marks should get much better.
> How does the marking system work in the department ?
> You should always check your work when it is returned to you as it will
often have comments on how you could improve.
Don’t wait until work is due in before asking for help and guidance.
Make sure you know what you have been asked to do.
When you have finished making your project work remember to collect it from your teacher after the end of the project task. Every year we have lots of items that people don’t collect and this represents an enormous amount of work if your teachers has to track you all down and remind you.
If you didn’t complete the practical work ask if you can continue at lunchtimes or after school. It can usually be arranged and completing the work will often be a lot easier and quicker than when everyone seemed to be doing the same task at the same time and trying to use the same equipment and machinery.
If your teacher thought you did quite well and simply did what was asked then you may find an ‘S’ on your work as well (for ‘satisfactory’).
A ‘G’ obviously show that your teacher feels you have done the work well (‘G’ for Good) whilst an ‘E’ means your work can be seen to be very carefully presented and shows an excellent level of effort. All the projects you do have a guidance sheet that shows what grades might be expected for the Key Stage / Level at which you are working. Make sure you get to know what is required and then you will always achieve good marks. Of course your school may not use a marking system along these lines.
If you ever do not understand what to do you should ask your teacher.

1. Always do the homework when it set and READ what your teacher has said
about your work when it is returned to you.
If you are not sure why you have a low mark then you MUST ask.
Next time you will know exactly how to get higher marks.
2. Make your work look as attractive as possible.
Write neatly in ink and include any drawing that are necessary
(drawn in pencil), colouring them if you have enough time.
3. Check that you have done exactly what you were asked to do.
4. If you don’t understand the homework ASK before it is due in. It can be
guaranteed that your teacher will help you far more if you make the
effort to do the work by the deadline.