Use you skills of searching the web to pick a product such as radios, bicycles, aircraft, motor-tyres or cameras .... Products that you know have changed a lot as materials have developed. You could just do a sheet on the development of the use of different metals - Here are a few links.
Open a word document or Publisher page and by taking the pictures from different sites
( Right mouse click ) create your own page with your own words - that shows the changes in products with changes in materials. You will need to find your own links for this section as only one or two have been supplied - so typing words into the ‘Google’ search box would be a good starting point. Use phrases like “ History of the Bicycle” and see what comes up.
Add notes alongside the pictures and - if you like - use a theme such as a ‘timeline’ to improve your presentation. Remember that the use of ‘materials’ is the main theme but materials are often improved because of a new invention - or the other way round..
Choose something sensible that you can
easily research
- Remember to get good marks you will need to have a good range of content -
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