~ Design & Technology ~
Feedback in control technology. Colour matching. Speed Controls, input decisions and sensors. Computerised equipment & drawbacks/benefits. Processing information.
Design & make Textiles Products
Choice of materials, processes and market needs
Quality Control & Quality Assurance
Kite Marks/ BSI / CE
Distinguish between and identify uses in production. Implications for successful products and satisfied customers. Relationship of the original specification to the final product. Accuracy and limitations of processes
ICT- Applications in Industry
Computer Aided design. DTP. Graphics. Bar charts etc.Computer Aided Manufacture
Where used in school & industry
Understanding commercial production methods
Batch, Repetitive Flow, Continuous, One-Off ( job produc tion). Advertising and marketing. Consumer rights.
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Flow Charts - (Critical path analysis)
Symbols used in flow and block diagrams. Order of working, ( Importance to maximising use of time and resources. )
Evaluation, customer testing, proposals for modifications. Testing for quality assurance, Evaluate against 'fitness for purpose' , the design need, need of intended users. Sustainable resources, recycling, redundant products, safe disposal. Pollution. Analysis of manufacturing techniques including use of jigs, templates, patterns.
applied to textiles. Production systems & control means. e.g. barcode control of stock, etc
Applied to textiles. Production systems & control means. Environmental issues
Product analysis in papers 3 & 4 for 2003
'Textiles for Teenager Fashion wear'. Further information due later in the Spring term 2003