Sources and functions in the body Test Book - and Work Sheet
Population group & special nutrition needs
Toddlers, children, Teenagers, Elderly
Pregnancy, vegetarian, High fibre, Low salt, Slimming, etc.
Batch, Repetitive flow, Continual flow, Job production Difference between Quality assurance and quality control. Labelling, legislation, storage of product
Investigating Ingredients
Assess product - fitness for purpose, market, etc
Hazard control and Critical Analysis
Text Book, Food, Kitchen, Personal, Food handling
Food storage and handling
Text book and worksheets, Freezing, Cook / chill process, Freeze Drying Ultra Heat Treatment
Cooking & Nutritional Value Meat, Fish, Milk, Eggs, Cheese, Cereals, Fruit Vegetables
Design Cycle in creating the product
Brief, Research, Specification, Ideas, Development, Plan & Make Test and evaluate, Proposals for change