Researching. Initial specification. Designing solutions, development, Flow charts, Production methods, Tolerance & Cost implications. Tools & equipment, Jigs, formers, etc
Processes, Finishing & Adhesives
Use of CAD / CAM. Batch production DTP, Data presentation - Bar charts etc. Text, Packaging, Colour Using ICT for PCB masters.
Production Scales & Packaging Implications
Characteristics, Performance, Properties e.g. Conductivity, Insulation, strength, compression, tension, torsion, shear
Electronic concepts & Components
Electron flow, current, voltage, resistance, Capacitance, sub & multiple units. Simple circuits - inputs and outputs. Ohm's law, Power calculations, Series & parallel calculations, Transistors (& Darlington pairs), IC's, Binary counting. Logic. (AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, NOT) - and logic combinations, LDR, Photodiode, Thermistors, Thermocouples, Microphones, Strain gauges.
Analyse systems in relation to INPUT PROCESS & OUTPUTS - & Sub systems. Analyse means of production. Be aware of scientific principles.
Solvents, PCB production, Tools & equipment usage. Use information to assess unfamiliar risks. Environmental management & COSHH