These packs are undoubtedly good fun and
attract customers.   Do they fulfil all of the
criteria we have outlined as being good
functions of packaging?  If they do not; do some of the good features the designs possess make up for the other functions - that as packaging or products they don't do quite as well?

Gift Packaging

GCSE Easter Egg Packaging
( part )   Cheryl Ashby
- Y11 

GCSE Easter Egg Packaging
Katie Tang - Y11 

GCSE   Easter Egg Packaging (& Pen Holder)   Paul Tovey  y11 

1999 'combi' design by Colpac
Boat produced from NET with prow glued by tab (just visible)  & only one tab running the length of the hull.


With exciting designs like these around what could be the motivation within companies for producing designs that are less eye-catching and more straight-forward ? 
Try to list 5 reasons why this might happen.

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