Don’t download text and include it in projects without seriously editing it or re-writing. It will not show much contribution from you if WEB-SITE editorial work is included without any analysis. Analysis shows that you have actually read it, understood it and related it to your own
work and after all you are trying to learn abut the topics,
processes and techniques rather than simply filling up pages.
For your work this year concentrate on completing all work that has been asked for.
Use ICT to improve your presentation. If you are making a TIMER for a game - or a FUSE TESTER look into basic understanding of electricity, timing and SAFETY DEVICES. These can be checked out on the Internet. For Food and Textiles work you can check how different your projects might need if the target market were people living or working in other countries. For the Game design task you might research games played around the world for inspiration on your number generator ( Dice or Spinner ) for a game task.
For all your projects this year try to become fully familiar with the DESIGN PROCESS and how products are made for manufacture as GCSE coursework is heavily structured to this approach to design. The Internet is a very useful way of doing RESEARCH but never let it dominate everything you do. Other forms of research can tell you a great deal - questionnaires and surveys will give information that may relate much more to the target market at which you are aiming. It is important that you know the terms that are used in research techniques as it can be defined as ‘PRIMARY’ research where you do all the work (Questionnaires, photographs and surveys) or ‘SECONDARY’; when you report other peoples’ results from books, the Web, etc. When you have shown how your various ideas have been DEVELOPED and you have shown PLANNING to make the item you must remember to allow time for ANALYSIS of the whole project, TESTING and a full EVALUATION. Use ICT for presentation of results (Bar chats, graphs, etc.).