The packaging of children's food should also be directed to both children and adults. Protection and containment of the food as well as a great visual appeal are equally important … So once you have decided on the recipes and food products to use at your children's' party then you should give some thought to the colours, size, designs and themes of packaging and menu design too.
A good starting point for the range of ingredients you might consider would be to make a list of qualities that could be interesting in your party food. Look at this list and decide if more can be added or which are the most important for children. Write the word down and then add a few sentences explaining why that food quality would be a good one to include.
The next step might be to arrange a tasting panel of the sort of people who might be customers for your party food products. This testing of qualities in food is called a sensory analysis and is needed so that the qualities of the food product can be adjusted to meet the target market. Once you have made your list you could raw up a chart that shows the quality being tested in one column and then the results from each taster in several other columns.
The chart shown here could include far more qualities and would then give a better view of what the products overall appeal might be. The results could now be plotted on a star diagram with each of the qualities written at one end of the 'star' line. Several products and their qualities can be compared in a graphic way by using these charts and diagrams. Excel can be used to give attractive results