~ Design & Technology ~ 


The Design Cycle


Project Guide


If you have followed this guide to help you whilst designing your final made item then by now everything in your project should be very well organised. 

You will now be concentrating on showing good quality 'making skills' - but remember that some kind of photographic record will be useful to include in your design folder. 
If the item you are making is large - like a piece of furniture then several detail pictures of those hidden jointing methods will
prove that you have put a massive amount of thought and effort into the work.    Often the final piece does not fully reflect the effort that has been made throughout the task - so any way you can find that shows that level of effort has to be good ! 

As improvements are thought of - even at this late stage - changes should still be included - and these changes should be chronicled in the main design-folder.  It is as much your effort and commitment that needs to be seen within the final product task as the outcome itself. Include photos of the final item - It often looks better than the actual product and it can be shown in use too.