4 marks )
You should establish
what need exists for your product in the context you have been
Who would use them and where would they be used. You might
produce sketches and
photographs with analysis to illustrate your findings. You might
do an initial questionnaire.
of whatever you do is most important.)
12 marks )
Your research should cover all the aspects of production of the
design from the weight of card that would be suitable, the designs
of existing units and the graphic information/display that would
be necessary on such a product. How have other designers
used colour and what would be the implications for printing.
You might include a 'round-up' of the possible printing processes
that are used in making advertising and promotional material.
Use as many and varied a range of techniques you can (2-point,
3-point, orthographic, isometric, dimetric, obliques..etc.. (Again...analysis
of whatever you do is most important.) Finally
to round up this section you MUST
include a SPECIFICATION that
discusses how more than one could be made.
Make sure you understand the difference between 'batch', 'continuous',
'one-off' and 'mass'
( This is
really essential as you must plan out the time you have and the
marks you will get for each section. It would be crazy to
use 80% of your time on a part of the project that only gained
10% of the marks !!)
of the topics
you could cover, or the processes and techniques you might use
in making your item. ( You can always add more to sections
later. )
You could WRITE
to (e-mail) COMPANIES that
produce such work and include their replies.
from questionnaires must be in the form of BARCHARTS,