GRAPHIC PRODUCTS to GCSE ISBN 0-19-832789-7 Abigail and Philip Buckle Published by Oxford University Press
Filled with instructions relating to 'how-to-do' a variety of drawing techniques. The book is divided into subsections headed; 'Designing', 'Making', and 'Knowledge and Understanding' - each of these is sub-divided into smaller sections. It is a useful book for GCSE Year 10's and provides a comprehensive introduction to most aspects of designing for Graphic products courses.
WORKING WITH MATERIALS - publisher : Collins Educational Wood - Metal - Plastic ISBN 0-00-327351-2 Edited by: Colin Chapman & Mike Finney
A useful book that has tables comparing materials and properties, detailed drawings of tools and cutting actions as well as guides to techniques and processes. Throughout the book there are 'case study' notes that explain how real companies and products have incorporated aspects of the topics being discussed. Main chapter headings are - Manufacturing Perspectives, Investigating Materials, The Forming Process, Fabrication and Materials in Action. For Graphic Products students the knowledge is useful, particularly plastic forming processes and materials and much can be incorporated into GCSE projects.
GRAPHICS - Student's Book publisher : Nuffield Design & Technology project ISBN 0-00-327351-2 D J R Manley
Graphics covered through a variety of simple tasks - coverage extends to packaging, nets and all the expected topics for study to GCSE level.
DESIGN & MAKE IT - Graphic Products publisher : Thornes ISBN 0-7487-2474-5 Tristram Shepherd and Andrew Loft
A well used book covering many aspects of study for GCSE. A variety of projects are included and through these coverage of the basics of 4-colour printing, colour theory, nets and general packaging and product issues are covered. A new edition has recently been printed with all sections updated.