~ Design & Technology ~ 

A-Level Topics - 1

GCSE work should 
always be presented in as attractive a way as possible.  The use of simple pencil colouring lends far greater weight to a page and makes it easier to understand.  Make an effort with lettering too…Good sketches and analysis can be let down by weak titles. Worse still ~ weak body-copy and analysis...

Dramatic titles help the overall appearance.  A
little time spent on such features is well rewarded
in edging upwards through the grades.  If using
computer type choose
an outline font and then hand-colour if no colour printer is available.

One simple technique to elevate sketches is to provide them with an outline 'halo'.  Try masking the sketch
itself with the edge
of a piece of paper
or shade the 'halo' onto the final presentation sheet and then cut-out and paste the sketches into

Marker Rendering

For the final presentation drawings very good effects can be achieved using markers.
These could be spirit markers or water colour ...with the same technique of building up
colours from the palest ... being the rule to follow.  Start with a simple outline drawing
like the one shown here.  Don't worry about 'containing' the colour sweeps within the
outline as the finished product can be cut-out and stuck onto a pre-prepared background.  This red background was done using markers but with the ink being applied to a small strip
of material to give the incomplete 'hair-like' streaks.  The power sander has had additional white highlights added to further dramatise the black-on-black image. Always look what
light does on real objects before you start to fill in your outline. Have an idea of what
needs to be left white (use chinagraph or a blade for errors) and what will be dark.